Sunday, June 24, 2012

Mario's eating progress

Hello All! So we finished our last first doctors appointment and have transferred all of Lil M's care to Austin. We have seen the Pediatrician, ENT, Cardiologist, and had a therapy evaluation. So far all is good. Everyone feels he is doing great considering his past. My favorite quote so far has been, "Mario how did you end up in my office." Said in wonderment by his new Cardiologist. Of course I love his new Cardiologist now. If we went back to KC today I am sure most of his doctors wouldn't believe this is the same little boy they just saw a month ago. He has changed and is doing so much more since we left, it is crazy. As of the end of April he was still using a bottle and only eating a little bit of pureed foods. Now he is on the "whatever we eat" diet,  eating almost all age appropriate foods, and using a straw big boy cup (no more bottles!). He still needs thicken liquids and a higher calorie content from his formula, but I'm hoping we can wean off of both soon. He has a test ordered called a swallow study to determine how thin of a liquid he can handle. They will feed him liquids at different consistencies and take X-rays while he swallows to determine where the liquid is going, i.e. is he swallowing it all the way down or is he silently aspirating (choking) or having reflux. I am hoping this goes well. We have tried some non-thicked liquids one sip at a time and he does well, but when I've tried to decrease the thickener for a whole cup, he gets congested. We are having fun experimenting with real food. He comes running whenever he sees us eating anything. He loves avocados! Sometimes I wonder if it is because of the taste or because they are squishy and fun to feed himself.
This is after one of his first chocolate cookies.

He's already trying to steal food off mama's plate.

He is eating his milk through a big cup, i.e. McDonalds, just like Grandpa does.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

1 year pictures

Hello! I was just downloading the pics from the last few months off my camera so I wanted to share a few. Tomorrow we see the occupational therapist so there will be more news to share.

These are all from his 1 year pictures:

Their eyes are always closed with the best smiles!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Getting settled in Austin

Hello from Austin! We are finally getting settled. I'd say about 90% unpacked, but I think when you move your never 100% unpacked so I'm ok with this. We have pictures left to hang and little things laying about that will find homes eventually. Mario is really liking his new store. He took over for a manager that got promoted and didn't have to change much with the staff, just get everyone to do things his way. They are running really good numbers and you can see a difference since Mario started there. I got a job as a medical assistant in an Orthopedic office. I start next Monday, the 25. I'm a little nervous going back to work full time and in a medical offfice. It has been a year and a half since I worked full time and as an MA. I'll have to dust off the ol' casting skills. It should come back pretty quick and the doctor I'll be working with is supposedly laid back, so it should be fun. Mario will be going to school during the days. We found a great location right down the street that will give us a four day rate since he will be home with Mario on Thursdays. They have a very good academic program that is linked with the school system so everyone is ready for kindergarden, most are reading when they start. I think he will do well there. The biggest thing I'm worried about is nap time. They only have nap matts on the floor. I think this will be quite an adjustment for him. I suppose its just part of growing up, but still. How will he fall asleep when he can just roll over and go. I can't even get him to lay still to change his diaper! 

I am surprised how nice people are here in Austin. We have been to the park and the playplace and met other families. We exchanged numbers and have even got together afterwards. It has been nice, since we know almost no one here, and a nice change. I can't think of a time I met someone in KC and felt comfortable enough to give out my phone number.

Now for the cute story of the day:
While I was putting up a shelf Mario got into the DVDs stacked by the TV. He pushed them all over the floor and was very proud of himself for finding Shrek. I disciplined him and was busy putting everything up when he went to his ride/push truck, lifted the seat, and brought me a DVD without a case. Apparently I wasn't paying close enough attention to see him hide it there, so he was helping me pick them up. We find all sorts of stuff in that truck: keys, batteries, remotes, etc. I love this kid so much!