Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A Month of Firsts

I haven't posted in a few weeks and so much has happened that I will try to keep it short. I'll only share the firsts that have happened lately. I'll save the rest for another post.
The first is the funniest, in my opinion. If you don't like poop you'll want to skip to the second item. We have been lucky because Mario has never been a big random pee-er or pooper. He only peed once when we were changing his diaper and only a few poops. He has peed a few times when we left him out of the diaper for a while with a rash etc. Well, when he was bathing this week he got that look. The holding-breath-face-turning-red-while-he-stares-into-space look. I knew what was coming but I was too late. He then got as still as a statue and stared at me while trying to decide if he should cry or play with it. He poked it a few times then decided it was not cool to have poop in his bath and proceeded to stay as still as a statue until it could be removed. Unfortunately it spread everywhere so I had to drain the tub. I didn't want to refill the whole tub so I moved him to the back end and washed him with water from the faucet in his cup. You would have thought I was washing him with tar. He was so mad at me! He hated every minute and got some good practice at his 'death' stare. It was cute and shows how sometimes he hates getting dirty.
The second is cute now, but could get annoying real quick. He has started tap dancing. He will stand there and repeatedly stamp his feet as fast as he can. He does it now for fun and we mimic him and dance to keep it fun. At first I had to watch him close because I couldn't tell if he was having fun or throwing a fit. Hopefully this won't become part of his fits. Now he just stops what he's doing, bends forward placing his face as close to the floor as possible, and has the red-face delayed cry. Other mothers know what I'm talking about. It is also super cute, for now. :)
We recently bought our training potty. I have been wanting to get it for awhile, but never pulled the trigger. We aren't potty training, but I want to have it around so he is familiar with it. We put him on it in the morning and at night. He will sit there for a few minutes, but he hasn't gone in it yet. I try to give him something to distract him so he will sit there a little longer, ie a book, toy, etc. He has put his toys and his cup in it multiple times, so I don't think he is ready yet. We'll keep trying! :)
I mentioned to Mario that we needed to make sure we are working with Lil M on words. The next day they were home together I came home from work and he could say "shoe", "car", and "outside". Ok, maybe outside is a stretch, but he points outside and I can hear it. :) Within the last few days he has added "Hi" and "Bye" both with a wave. When I pick him up from school he turns and waves to his teacher right away. It is making me feel better that he wants to come home.
Along the "Bye" story line, Mario "stole" a thing 1 and thing 2 (Dr Suese sp?)  bag from Target. I gave it to him to play with while we shopped. I was going to put it up, but since it is red and his whole outfit was red, I forgot about it until I picked him up to put him in his car seat. Anyways, it was worth the potential felony because he loves it! He carries it everywhere, over a bent arm just like a little old lady! He will pick up his bag, wave to me, say "bye" and walk into the hall. He will repeat this until something else steals his attention.
Well this is all of the "Firsts" I can think of for now. I'm sure there are tons I'm missing, but I'll catch up soon. Maybe in another month! :)
 Playing at the splash pad
 I love this picture because it shows all his teeth!
He's actually using a fork for a few bites at each meal!

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