Thursdays are "Boy's Day" because Mario has the day off so Lil M stays home from school with him. But Friday nights are all about mom. I am usually to tired from the whole week to do anything productive so Lil M and I sit on the floor and play till bedtime. Tonight we did puzzles. We have had these puzzles for a while, but tonight is the first time I have seen him actually putting pieces together. We have puzzles that are pictures of cars, planes etc that have a board with a matching picture underneath. He usually just puts the pieces on top of the board and I match them up, but tonight he took his time, really looked at the pieces, and then matched them! I was so excited and tried to make a big deal out of it with 'Yay' and clapping and high fives. He was super excited at first, then he just wanted to pick the board up so he could dump the pieces again. I tried to get some pictures, but puzzle pictures are apparently action shots, so he's blurry, but you can tell the pieces match up!
I also try to read to him a lot and he loves books. I will read him one or two, then give him the option to 'read' to me. Tonight he brought me a book and proceeded to read to me. I had the flip close so I actually got it on video! I'm super excited to share this since these moments are so hard to capture on film. Enjoy and have a great weekend!
So the video may still not be working. I will keep trying and hopefully attach it with another post in the future.